In the studio 24.-27.12.1998
Sakke - a.k.a. TimeMachine (a selfdeclared nickname) -
bashing through False Light
Mikko doing some hi-tech shit
Nicke used his sparetime wrestling this Rubik's Cube. And no, he
didn't get it done (although two sides ain't bad, huh?)
Nicke, Ove and Darker
Three nerds - Sakke, Ove and Mikko - looking at the computer, pretending
to do something important
Ove - with his mentor Dee "Mothafucking"
Snider - freaked at the
depressingly low remainder of cola-drink in his bottle
Sakke - not having a hangover - with our executive producer Mr.
Okay, this pic couldn't be worse but it was the only one with Ilkka
and besides, there's a fresher-than-thou
"Life of Brian" poster
on the wall
You can't see it but the note under the DAT and shit reads "Älä
vittu koske!" which - for you non-finnish speakers - implies in
a gentleman-like manner that our peers
The Sugarrush should not touch the
knobs and such in our recording system. To their luck, they didn't
Mikko adding some keyboards to Word
For Word at his house during the mixing
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